Senior Scouts is where the action is!With a programme specifically designed to be challenging it encourages individuals to ‘look wide’ and be adventurous. Much of the work they do is aligned to the Duke of Edinburgh scheme which can be found in that section of the menu bar. Seniors are encouraged to develop skills for life and to be self motivated. They must have a ‘can do’ attitude to progress through the programme.
Following their time in Senior Scouts they can then move on to become a Rover Scout or elect to become a Young Leader.
Senior Scouts have the same Law & Promise made by Scouts but their motto is different.
The Law
1. A Scouts' honour is to be trusted.
2. A Scout is loyal to The King, His Country, His Scouters, His Parents, His Employers and to those under Him.
3. A Scouts' duty is to be useful and help others.
4. A Scout is a friend to all, and a brother to every other Scout, no matter to what Country, Class or Creed the other may belong.
5. A Scout is courteous.
6. A Scout is a friend to animals.
7. A Scout obeys orders of his parents, Patrol Leader, or Scout Master without question.
8. A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties.
9. A Scout is thrifty
10. A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.
The Promise
On My Honour I promise,
That I will do my best,
To do My Duty to God and The King,
To help other people at all times, and obey The Scout Law.
The Motto
'Look Wide'
The Admission Test & Investiture

The Senior Scout Investiture
A young person becomes a Senior Scout by investiture, during which they makes or re‑affirm the Scout Promise.
To become a Senior Scout the young person must be between 15 and 18 years old.
Before being invested as a Senior Scout they must either hold the First Class badge; or complete the Admission Test.
The Admission Test
The Venturer & Bushman Badges
Venturer BadgeThe Senior Scout should:
Bushman's Badge
The Bushman's Badge is a leather braid worn on the right shoulder.
Before being awarded the Bushman's Badge, a Senior Scout must:
- Be at least 16 ½ years of age.
- Hold the First Class Badge, the Venturer Badge and 2 of the following badges: Astronomer, Camp Warden, Forester, Hiker, Master Cook, Meteorologist, Naturalist, Senior Pioneer, Tracker.
- Make their own braid. (The necessary materials and instructions are obtainable from the Equipment Department at H.Q. by Badge Secretaries).
Senior Scout Instructor

The Senior Scout Instructor Badge is granted by the A.C. on the recommendation of the S.M.(s). A Senior Scout who is granted this badge will not wear either a Beaver or Cub Instructor Badge. Before being awarded the badge a Senior Scout must:
Discovery Award
The Discovery Award is for Senior Scouts and Rover Scouts.
It is a 4 day expedition of hiking and adventurous Scout challenges which tests the participants' stamina
It is a National event that any Senior Scout or Rover Scout can participate in having attained a minimum of the Ventura Badge:
The Discovery Award consists of a four day expedition in difficult country, on foot or part by cycle.
Senior Scouts / Rover Scouts will be self sufficient and must be able to navigate to a high standard.
At the conclusion of the expedition a Log of the journey is required. Successful Senior Scouts / Rover Scouts will be awarded a badge and certificate.
St. George's Award
A St. George's Award indicates a thorough training in Scoutcraft and a desire to place that training at the disposal of the community for public service. Before being awarded the St. George's Award, a Scout must:
Duke of Edinburgh's Award
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In addition to the Senior Scout badge programme, young people can also gain their Duke of Edinburgh's Awards. The Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh's Awards are available to Senior and Rover Scouts. Read more about the Silver Award and the Gold Award.
Badge Positions
The B-PSA believe that our uniform badges are there to fulfil two functions; to identify ourselves geographically/ by section and to recognise achievement.
Badges of attendance at events and camps or commemoration and celebration do not fulfil this criteria and are thus at the discretion of the National committee and will only be authorised for significant events and only for a 1 year duration.
All badges obtained for attending camps, centenary or jubilee should now be removed from uniform and transferred to camp blankets.
Anyone wishing to wear a badge that is not supplied by B-P Supplies (Badges) or previously approved by the National Committee should put a request to the NC via their Area Commission. Badges approved to be worn:
- Kings Scout Award
- Kings Guide Award
- Queens Scout Award
- Queens Guide Award
- British Legion Affiliation
- WFIS circle of Friendship
- WFIS Good Turn Badge
- Pre 1990 B-P Award (now St George Award)
- All Duke of Edinburgh Awards
The Camping Handbook
You can download a copy of The B-PSA Camping Handbook by clicking here.
Skills for Expeditions in Remote Countryside (SFEIRC)
You can download a copy of Skills for Expeditions in Remote Countryside (SFEIRC) by clicking here.