The B-PSA UK is ‘Practical & Traditional Scouting for the 21st Century’
The B-PSA UK is an Independfent Scout Association and not connected to any political party or military organisation. We are proud members of the World Federation of Independent Scouts. This is a World body that recognises Independent Scouts' Associations in countries across the globe.
The B-PSA UK teaches traditional Scouting values as laid down by our founder, Lord Robert Baden-Powell, Chief Scout of the World. The aims of Scouting, according to our Founder, are to improve the standard of our future citizens. Traditional Scouting uses the original principles as laid down in ‘Scouting for Boys’ by B-P.
'Tradition' is defined as 'knowledge transmitted from generation to generation' - In Scouting, once a Scout is invested Baden-Powell believed they would continue to live to the 10 Scout Laws (which are based on the French Knight’s Chivalry Code) as a basis for life. These laws are kept by Scouts from the age of 10 into adulthood and beyond, younger sections have promises which are more appropriate to their age group. All sections renew their promises regularly.
The B-PSA UK holds the ideals of Scouting that were created by our founder and develops a sense of duty, personal discipline and honour. Whilst these values seem to have become less important in modern society the B-PSA UK holds them as fundamental.
The B-PSA UK Groups follow a charter set down in our Policy Association Rules.
The B-PSA UK have no paid Executive Staff or Leaders and have trained Child Protection Officers.
Our Scouts enjoy the traditional Scouting skills; lighting fire by friction, navigating by means other than a compass and backwoods cooking.
The B-PSA UK is not in competition with any other Scouting Association. We do not make claims to be superior, and we do not seek to influence the policies of any of the other Scout Associations. We have a policy of goodwill and co-operation with any Scouting organisation of like minded intent, (4th Scout Law).
We are proud as an Association to be upholding Lord Baden-Powell's ideals, and his original programs, proving that his planning and foresight still holds true into the future.
For more details or to find your nearest Group please Contact Us.