The Baden-Powell Scouts' Association

Traditional Scouting for the 21st Century!


The Scout programme is designed to develop good citizenship amongst our young people. This is achieved through a system of games and activities which enable young people to develop in a safe environment.

We provide a varied programme which will include many varied activities which stimulate Scouts and is specifically created to match the ability of a wide range of children aged 11 to 15. Some activities will be familiar to you, some may be new. Overall we try to blend ‘tried and tested' methods with more exciting and challenging activities.

Whilst most of what we do is carried out on Troop nights we occasionally do send things home to complete. We hope you will take a keen interest and assist your child with any tasks. Following your child's time at Scouts they will move to the Senior Scout section where the programme has greater challenges.

The Law

  1. A Scouts' honour is to be trusted.
  2. A Scout is loyal to The King, His Country, His Scouters, His Parents, His Employers and to those under Him.
  3. A Scouts' duty is to be useful and help others.
  4. A Scout is a friend to all, and a brother to every other Scout, no matter to what Country, Class or Creed the other may belong.
  5. A Scout is courteous.
  6. A Scout is a friend to animals.
  7. A Scout obeys orders of his parents, Patrol Leader, or Scout Master without question.
  8. A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties.
  9. A Scout is thrifty
  10. A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.

The Promise

On My Honour I promise,
That I will do my best,
To do My Duty to God and The King,
To help other people at all times, and obey The Scout Law.

The Motto

'Be Prepared'


Scoutcraft and Chivalry
Understand the history of Scouting, the Baden-Powell Scout Association and the World Federation of Independent Scouts.
Know about the Scout section progressive award scheme and how it is structured.
Know the Scout Law and Promise, and their meaning in accordance with age.
Know the use and demonstrate the salute, sign, handshake and motto as explained in Camp Fire Yarn 3 of ‘Scouting for Boys'.
Take part in a Patrol or Troop activity.
Camp Skills
Demonstrate with ropes how to tie the following knots: Reef knot, Sheet bend, Clove hitch, Bowline, Round turn and two half hitches, Sheepshank. Explain their uses.
Whip the end of a rope.
Demonstrate and follow the woodcraft signs given in Camp Fire Yarn 4 of ‘Scouting for Boys'.
Know the history and composition of the Union Flag and demonstrate how to hoist, break and fly it.


2nd Class


Scoutcraft and Chivalry
Know the Patrol sign, call and colours for the Patrol into which they are invested.
Take responsibility for a weekly duty within the Patrol for a minimum of 3 months.
Discuss with Patrol Leader or Second how the Scout Law and Promise applies to their daily life .
Know how to use a compass and how to set a map.
Using OS 1:50,000 or 1:25,000 maps show an understanding of conventional map signs, scales and the use of map references.
Show that you understand the Highway Code (particularly the sections for pedestrians, cyclists and sign and markings).

Show the ability to use a telephone and demonstrate knowledge of your locality by:

  • using local bus and railway timetables.
  • knowing local landmarks, through-road routes, public transport facilities and utilities serving your area.
If you have the use of a bicycle, demonstrate that it is kept properly maintained and you are able to effect minor repairs.
Know where to find up to date weather forecasts, whilst at home and in camp.

Go by day, on foot, with other Scouts on a journey of 10 – 15 kms. The journey will have a route laid down by the Scout Officer and a simple objective will be given.

Take responsibility for leading and navigating at least 2 km of the journey. A verbal report, from notes, must be made on your return. (Normally to be taken toward the end of 2nd Class)

Camp Skills
Tie the following knots and know their uses: Timber hitch, Killick hitch, Fisherman's knot and Harvester's hitch.
Demonstrate square and diagonal lashings by constructing a trestle of scout staves.
At camp, construct a useful gadget using natural materials, and demonstrating good use of knots and lashings.
Know the safety rules and care of a hand-axe, bow saw and knife. Demonstrate how to sharpen a knife and hand-axe.
Demonstrate how to make and store firewood.
Lay and light a fire out of doors with natural materials.
Cook over an open fire a simple meal, make a hot drink and wash up afterwards.
With another Scout, pitch, strike and pack a hike tent within a reasonable time.
Camp for a minimum of 5 nights as a Scout.
Kim's game. A test in observation to remember 16 out of 24 well assorted articles, following 1 minutes observation, or, Follow a trail containing not less than 30 woodcraft signs.
Be able to recognise and name 6 common trees and know the value of their wood for burning.
Know and follow the Country code.
Health and Fitness
Know the general rules for healthy living.
Saving Life
Demonstrate a knowledge of and how and when to summon adult help.
Treat shock. (not electric).

Know how to deal with the following common minor ailments:

  • Minor cuts and scratches
  • Bleeding from the nose.
  • Stings and bites.
  • Burns and scalds.
  • Know how to avoid sunburn.
Know how to suitably dress and support minor cuts and sprains.
Know how to choose items of suitable personal clothing and equipment for outdoor activities, including camps.
Have no less than nine months service as a Scout.
Make regular contact with a Scout from a different Group, and share Scouting experiences.
Re-pass the Tenderfoot tests. This test will be taken last.


1st Class

Scout First Class Badge

Scoutcraft and Chivalry
Discuss with a Scouter the behaviours and attitudes that make a good Scout, and how to set an example to younger Scouts, and demonstrate them consistently for a period of not less than 6 months.
Understand the role of The Court of Honour, and contribute to its running for a period of 3 months.
Use improvised equipment to estimate 3 distances and 3 heights not more than 30 metres. In each case, the estimate to be within ten per cent error above or below the actual distance or height.
Be able to estimate distance walked by time, or pacing over distances up to and including 1 km, both on roads / tracks and open countryside.
Be able to read and use Ordnance Survey maps. Explain spot heights, contours and trig points. Be able to use an OS 1:25,000 map to correctly locate a point described by a six figure grid reference.
Understand and demonstrate the uses of a compass. Point out compass directions by day and night without the aid of a compass. Undertake a short compass journey by night.
Understand how to prepare a route card and use it in conjunction with an OS map as an aid to navigation.
Describe how different weather conditions may impact on the planning of a journey, and what actions may need to be taken if weather conditions change during a journey.
Go on foot, with other Scouts on a 24 hour journey of at least 25 kilometres. In the course of the journey, cook your own meals (one of which must include meat (or substitute). This test is to be completed last.

The Scout is responsible for planning the journey. All aspects of the journey to be checked at least 28 days prior to the expedition taking place by a person holding a Safety on The Hills Certificate (examiner) issued by The B-PSA. A completed log of the journey will be submitted to the examiner within 28 days of the completion of the journey. The log, along with the recommendations of the examiner to be passed to the Area Council, to enable the badge to be awarded.
Camp Skills
Have camped as a Scout, for a total of ten nights, which need not be consecutive.
Demonstrate the following: Sheer-lashing, Back and Eye splice, Rolling hitch and a Handy billy.
Tie the following knots and know their uses:- Figure of eight, Prussick.
Use a suitable axe for felling or trimming light timber. Log up a piece of timber and demonstrate the theory of felling a tree. Use a bush saw, wedges or log splitter safely and correctly to prepare timber for burning. Demonstrate the use and care of this equipment.
Know how to care for and maintain camping equipment. This should include storage and simple repairs. Assist the Group Quartermaster for a period of not less than 3 months.
Know how to select, plan and set up a campsite for a Patrol, where possible acting as Patrol Leader during a Troop or Patrol camp.
Plan a balanced menu for a Patrol for 24 hours, and prepare a budgeted shopping list.
Be able to operate and maintain stoves and lamps, identify different fuels, and know the safety requirements.
Cook a two course meal on a camping stove.
Build and sleep out in a bivouac and cook a backwoods meal.
 Read a series of simple tracks made in sandy or other suitable ground.
Be able to recognise and name 8 common plants, 8 common birds and 8 native wild animals.
Describe three endangered native plants, birds or animals in the UK, and what practical actions can be taken to assist in the survival of one of them.
Health and Fitness
Swim 50 metres and know the water safety code and the use of the buddy system for swimming.
Explain the principles of good nutrition and a balanced diet and how these should be modified in adventurous activities.
Saving Life
Know what to do in the following emergencies: fire, drowning, ice breaking and electric shock
Know precautions necessary before undertaking adventurous activities. This must include exposure and mountain safety.
Gain the Scout First Aid proficiency badge.
Have no less than two years experience as a Scout.
Make regular contact with a Scout from a different Area or Country, and share Scouting experiences
The First Class Badge is granted by the Area Council on the recommendation of the A.C. (in accordance with area policy)The Scout Master is responsible for seeing that the Scout is examined in all the tests other than the journey. 


1st Class Hike

What the Scout’s book of rules says:

Go on foot, with other Scouts on a 24 hour journey of at least 25 kilometres. In the course of the journey, cook your own meals - one of which must include meat (or substitute), locate their campsite and camp for the night. Carry out any instructions given by the Examiner as to things to be observed en-route and make an individual log of the journey sufficient to show that the instructions have been carried out. This test should be taken last.

The First Class Badge is granted by the Area Council on the recommendation of the A.C. (in accordance with area policy)

The Scout Master is responsible for seeing that the Scout is examined in all the tests other than the journey.

The Scout is responsible for planning the journey. All aspects of the journey to be checked at least 28 days prior to the expedition taking place by a person holding a Safety on The Hills Certificate (examiner) issued by The B-PSA.

A completed log of the journey will be submitted to the examiner within 28 days of the completion of the journey.

The log, along with the recommendations of the examiner to be passed to the Area Council, to enable the badge to be awarded

So what does this mean? Your questions answered

Q Why does this have to be the last test?

A It is the test that brings everything else that you have learned as a Scout together – adventure precautions, camping, cooking, map reading and navigation, choice and care of equipment, first aid, estimation and self reliance.

By this stage you are properly prepared for a journey with no direct supervision from adults. They will of course monitor you and make sure you are safe, but you should pretend they are not there.

If you are successful, you truly will be a 1st class Scout.

Q Do all the Scouts that I am walking with need to be doing their 1st Class Journey?

A We recommend that you walk with at least 3 other Scouts for your safety, but they don’t all need to be undertaking their 1st Class Journey. Some may be using this as a practice, others may be working towards their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award expedition. But you must take a full role in the planning and completion of the journey – you will not succeed if you are just there for the ride!

Q Who can be an examiner?

A The B-PSA trains its leaders and awards a Safety on the hills certificate. You may be lucky and have a certificate holder in your Group – he or she can be your examiner. If your Scout Master doesn’t know who the local certificate holders are, then you can contact me and I will give you some names to select from.

Our insurance company has accepted that a person with this qualification is suitable to check your plans and advise on your safety.

Q What does the examiner need to see before the journey?

A The examiner makes sure that your route is safe, and that you are properly prepared which is why they need to know all your plans 28 days before the journey, that gives time to give you advice, or put things right if necessary. They will need to see:

the map of your route

a properly completed route card (you can download a template here)

your menu – remember the food needs to be light enough to carry, but should provide about 50% more calories than your normal diet

your kit list – personal and group kit

your transport plans

your timing plans and your budget

your proposed campsite

Q What sort of projects will the examiner set?

A The journey is not just about proving that you can walk for 25 kilometres, with all your kit on your back. It is also a chance to prove that you are a proper Scout – interested and observant about the area you are walking in. The project could include architecture, plants and animals, human impact or the impact of nature.

Q What is the log, and what needs to be included?

A The log is your record and reminder of what is often the first long journey that you have taken on foot, with no direct adult supervision. Its should be something to treasure, I still have mine over 40 years on.

The log will also be read by the examiner, and he will use it to assess how well all your training came together on the journey. The most important thing is that it is a true record of your journey, that it records the highs and lows, how you felt and what impact it had on you. The examiner will be delighted to read about YOUR journey.

The things that must be included are:

Your details, and the details of the rest of the party

A map – either a photocopy with the route highlighted, or a sketch map

Your route plan, including dates and times

The kit you carried – your personal kit and the kit carried and shared with other members of your party

Your menu

The story of your journey, with references to timings, locations and notable events. With photographs, sketches, and answers to the project this will probably be 4 or 5 pages long.

Good luck - enjoy the experience


Scout Cord

This is the highest award that you can earn as a Scout.

Before reaching the age of 15, and before being invested as a Senior Scout, the Scout will be required to have completed:

  1. The First Class
  2. The Citizenship badge
  3. At least 3 proficiency badges from the list below:
    • Backwoodsman
    • Camper
    • Camp Cook
    • Explorer
    • Pioneer
    • Tracker
    • Starman
    • Weatherman
    • Woodcraftsman



Scout Citizenship Award

Scout Citizenship Badge

The Scout will be required to:
Complete three public service badges and one of the following:

  • Carries out 3 months service in the community to the satisfaction of the SM producing a diary of service carried out,
  • Completes the service section of the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Suggested ideas for community service may include helping as a Wolf Cub or Beaver instructor, service with St John's, a community conservation project or service to the elderly. It should symbolise the spirit of Scouts serving the community
This award is progressive through all our training Sections and is worn until the Senior Scout equivalent has been gained.



Friendship Badge

Scout Friendship Badge

The Scout will be required to:

  • Introduce a friend to Scouting by bringing them along to a Troop meetings until they are invested. This must be arranged with the Scout Officer.
  • Take part in a Troop activity out of doors with the friend.
  • Help the friend to learn the Scout Laws.

Note: The Friendship Badge will only be presented immediately after the friend has been invested.



Beaver Instructor
The Scout will be required to:

  • Hold the Second Class badge.
  • Have 6 months good service helping a Beaver Colony.

Wolf Cub Instructor
The Scout will be required to:

  • Be 15 year of age or hold the First Class.
  • Have 6 months good service helping with a Wolf Cub Pack

Badge Positions

The B-PSA believe that our uniform badges are there to fulfil two functions; to identify ourselves geographically/ by section and to recognise achievement.

Badges of attendance at events and camps or commemoration and celebration do not fulfil this criteria and are thus at the discretion of the National committee and will only be authorised for significant events and only for a 1 year duration. 

All badges obtained for attending camps, centenary or jubilee should now be removed from uniform and transferred to camp blankets.

Anyone wishing to wear a badge that is not supplied by B-P Supplies (Badges) or previously approved by the National Committee should put a request to the NC via their Area Commission.  Badges approved to be worn: 

  • Kings Scout Award
  • Kings Guide Award
  • Queens Scout Award
  • Queens Guide Award
  • British Legion Affiliation
  • WFIS circle of Friendship
  • WFIS Good Turn Badge
  • Pre 1990 B-P Award (now St George Award)
  • All Duke of Edinburgh Awards


badge positions scouts


In addition to the Scout badge programme, young people can also gain their Duke of Edinburgh's Awards. The Bronze Duke of Edinburgh's Award is available to Scouts. Read more about the Bronze Award here.


The Scout Handbook

You can download a copy of The Scout Handbook

Part 1 - Tenderfoot to First Class

Part 2 - First Class Onwards

2020 Edition

The Camping Handbook

You can download a copy of The B-PSA Camping Handbook by clicking here.


Skills for Expeditions in Remote Countryside (SFEIRC) 

You can download a copy of Skills for Expeditions in Remote Countryside (SFEIRC) by clicking here.