The Baden-Powell Scouts' Association

Traditional Scouting for the 21st Century!


The programme is primarily designed to develop and stimulate Wolf Cubs and is specifically created to match the ability of a wide range of children aged 7 to 11. Much of the learning is achieved through games whilst having fun with other cubs.

All children are not expected to achieve all of the tasks however; we encourage them to do their best in all activities.

Some activities will be familiar to you, some may be new. Overall we try to blend ‘tried and tested’ methods with more exciting and challenging activities.

Whilst most of what we do is carried out on Pack nights we occasionally do send things home to complete.

We hope you will take a keen interest and assist your child with any tasks.

The programme allows sufficient development for the Wolf Cub so that the transition to B-P Scouts is easier for your child

The Law
The Cub gives in to the Old Wolf.
The Cub does not give in to himself

The Promise
I promise to DO MY BEST.
To do my duty to God, and to the King,
To keep the Law of the Wolf Cub Pack,
and to do a good turn to somebody every day

The Motto
Do Your Best




 Before being invested the Cub must satisfy the CM that he knows:

  • The Cub Promise and Law; and their meanings.
  • The Cub Salute and its meaning.
  • The Grand Howl and its meaning.
  • The Cub Motto.
  • How Mowgli entered The Pack.
  • A little about B-P.


First Star




The Wolf Cub needs to complete the following tasks

1. Know the composition of the Union Flag and how to fly it. Be able to draw and colour the flag from memory.

2. Know about our Royal Family and be able to answer simple questions.

3. Know in a very simple form; the stories of the Saints of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

4. Sing the First and Third verses of The National Anthem  and know what to do when it is played or sung.

5. Be able to tie a Reef knot and Sheet bend, and know what they are used for.

6. Either leap frog over another Cub the same size or perform 10 star jumps.

7. Throw a ball 6 times so that a Cub, ten metres away can catch it. Catch a ball both hands together, thrown from a distance of six metres, four times out of six.

8. Walk upright and with good posture ten metres, carrying a solid article of about one kilo on the head without using your hands, turn and come back to the starting point. A Cub Cap/ Beret may be worn.

9. Know how and why we should keep our hands and feet clean, our nails clean and cut, our teeth clean, and why we should breathe through the nose. Carry these things out in practice.

10. Be able to tell the time by analogue, digital and 24 hour clock.

11.Grow one of the following: in suitable compost, sand soil or on cotton wool a) a bulb, chestnut or acorn b) mustard, cress c) peas or beans.

12. Clean a pair of boots or shoes, fold clothes neatly and help to keep the Pack Den tidy and litter free.

13. Show an understanding of the ‘Highway Code’ and Green Cross Code and how it applies to you using the road.

14. Know the ‘Countryside Code’ and use it when out and about.

15. Have at least 6 months satisfactory service as a Wolf Cub.

16. Re-pass the Tenderpad Tests. This test will be taken last.


Second Star

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 The Wolf Cub needs to complete the following tasks:

1.Swim 25 metres OR (if unable to swim for a valid reason) skip with both feet together 15 times forwards and 15 times backwards.

2. Know ‘The Water Safety Code’.

3. Use a compass to show a knowledge of at least the 8 principal points of the compass and their associated bearings.

4. Be able to tie a Bowline and Round turn and 2 ½ hitches, and demonstrate their uses.

5. Understand the meaning of thrift in all things and be carrying it out in practice by,

   a) Taking care of your Cub uniform

   b) Make a woggle from waste materials.

6. Produce one of the following, of your own work.

   a) A model or artical made in wood, metal, cardboard, modellng clay.

   b) An article knitted, woven or carved.

   c) A set of at least 8 colour sketches, of Flags, animals, flowers clearly labelled.

7. Lay and light a fire out of doors, understand the safety rules and clear away.

8. Cook sausages or similar on a campfire, clean up afterwards to the satisfaction of examiners.

9. Make a Den or lair, idoors or outdoors.

10. Make a hot drink. i.e. a pot of tea and serve it.

11. Run or cycle over a route of at least 400 metres with a verbal message of at least 20 words, to include at least 2 numbers, and repeat it correctly. (Route to be supervised).

12. Know the following according to current established practice:

   a) Know how to clean and dress a cut finger and treat a burn or sald.

   b) Understand the danger of dirt in a ascratch. 

   c) Know how to stop a simple nose bleed.

   d) Know the simple treatment for shock (not electric).

13. Understand the importance of summoning adult help and how you would do this.

14. Observe and point out from life three wild birds, three trees and three other natural things such as insects, flowers, fishes, the choice to be made by the Cub in each case. Know why and show how, to help feed and water birds in winter.

15. Demonstrate the safe way to use a pocket knife.

16.  Keep yourself and others safe

   a) Understand the dangers of broken glass, rusty nails and dangerous rubbish.

   b) Be aware of hazards in tehhome or den.

   c) Understand safety around electric appliances.

   d) Demonstrate safe use of an iron and kettle and know how to guard a fire.

17. Climb a tree to about 3 metres (at the discretion of the examiner).

18. Draw a circle about ½ a metre in diameter on a wall, stand two metres away and throw a ball into the circle and catch it 8 times out of ten.

19. Have a minimum of 12 months good service as a Wolf Cub.

20. Re-pass the First Star tests. This test to be taken last.


Citizenship Award



 This badge will be awarded when the Cub holds 3 Public Service Badges from the following list:

  • Conservation
  • Crime Prevention
  • First Aider
  • Guide
  • House Orderly
  • Visual Communicator and complete a community based project approved by Akela, which should be sustained to the satisfaction of the examiner. (For approximately 3 months).


Suggested Wolf Cub projects:

  • Take an active part in a stream cleaning project, as part of an organised group.
  • Take an active part in developing a litter free zone around Head Quarters. Or take part in an anti-litter campaign.
  • Help to develop an improvement to the local environment either by:
    • Helping in the planting of trees, and their future care.
    • Helping in the planting of bulbs and flowers on public/ open land, with the permission of the local authority and their future care.
    • Take part in projects instigated by the Local Council Environment Agencies.
    • Make collection of recyclable materials e.g. newspaper, plastic, clothing, glass e.t.c… and know how to dispose of these commodities in an environmentally friendly way.
    • Adopt, as a Pack, a local residential home for the elderly and take part in organised visits, coffee mornings, carol singing e.t.c…The Citizenship Award will be worn on the Scout shirt until the Scout Citizenship Award is achieved.


Friendship Award




The Cub will be awarded this badge when he or she has completed the following:

  • Introduce a friend to Scouting by BRINGING them along to Pack Meetings.
  • Help the friend to learn and play a Scouting game.
  • Take part in an outside Pack activity with the friend.4. Help the friend to learn a little about Baden-Powell.5. Show the friend the badges you wear and tell him about them. Help him to draw them onto a picture of  a Cub jumper.6. At the Investiture ceremony stand beside the friend whilst he is being invested.


Note: The Friendship Award will be presented immediately after the friend has been invested.


Leaping Wolf




The Leaping Wolf Award will be approved by the Area Commissioner on the recommendation of the Cub Master.

1 . Complete First and Second Stars.

2 . Have been awarded 4 proficiency badges, including 2 Public Service Badges one of these must be the First Aider, Guide or House Orderly Badge, and 2 other proficiency badges.

3.  Complete the Scout Tenderfoot test.

Public Service Badges are:-

Conservation,  Crime Prevention,  First Aider,  House Orderly,  Visual Communicator


Badge Positions

badge position cubs

Wolf Cub 100