The Baden-Powell Scouts' Association

Traditional Scouting for the 21st Century!

Wolf Cub Conservation Badge

1. Take part in a conservation project (e.g. cleaning a stream, tree planting, anti litter etc.).

2. Either:

a) Make a bird table, feeder or nesting box.

b) Grow sunflowers or others from seed.

c) Grow a tree from seed.

3. Find out about the RSPB, RSPCA and WWF and talk about their work.

4. Find out about one animal in your country and one from elsewhere in the World, which is in danger from extinction and draw and write about it.

5. Know ‘The Country Code'.

6. Complete one of the following:

a) Visit a zoo or farm and find out about one of the animals.

b) Observe a plant, frog or butterfly growing and keep a log.

c) Find out about some pollution in your area and write about it.

7. Find out about how energy is conserved and what natural forces can be harnessed to produce renewable energy.