1. Pass or have passed the Guide badge.
2. Demonstrate that he has thoroughly explored an area of at least 3 km radius (not around their own home or H.Q.) by submitting logs of his expeditions for 2 of the following specific objects:
a. Following out all footpaths, bridle paths and waterways shown in past and present maps and reporting on their present existence and condition.
b. Preparing a full report on the agriculture and industries of the locality and the use to which the land is put.
c. Making a full report on the history of the locality, giving particulars and history of any antiquities or places of special interest, and the extent to which it is disfigured by modern developments including advertising etc.
d. Preparing a full report on the soil, trees, shrubs, flowers, birds and animals found in the area.
e. Making a full report on not less than 8 km of a navigable river or canal, including tides, channels, shoals or mud banks, local rules and customs, including "local rule of the road" and any regulations affecting the use of the waterways by Scouts. The report to include full details of 2 camp-sites adjacent to mooring places in the area.
Note: The logs submitted will give a mileage covered and be accompanied, as far as possible, by explanatory sketches, maps and photographs.