1. Sing effectively a solo suitable for the camp-fire.
2. Sing a solo with chorus and take part as alto, tenor or bass in a part song (or equivalent).
3. Lead singing at a camp-fire in 5 varied items of popular music.
4. Recognise 4 out of 6 popular tunes hummed or played by the Examiner.
5. Read at sight 3 tunes, either vocal or playing an instrument.
6. Know what is meant by a Sonata, Concerto and Oratorio.
1. Play 2 solos, 1 of his own choice and the other at sight on any recognised musical instrument.
Note: Jew's harp, drum and other percussion instruments are not allowed.
2. In the case of a solo instrument produce a concerted item with others or another solo of different speed and type from the first.
In the case of concertina or accordion, accompany varied kinds of camp-fire singing.
Note: A certificate that the Scout is a regular member of an orchestra may be accepted.
3. Recognise 4 out of 6 popular tunes played by the Examiner.
4. Know what is meant by a Sonata, Concerto and Oratorio