The Baden-Powell Scouts' Association

Traditional Scouting for the 21st Century!

The Senior Scout Camp Warden Badge

  1. Pass or have passed the Camper badge.
  2. Have camped 10 nights since reaching the age of 15.
  3. Camp for the weekend at a site (other than the one visited under (6)) and report on the differences, advantages and disadvantages of this site e.g. Ground, soil, trees, aspect and general suitability as a camp site.
  4. Show practical knowledge of the subjects covered in "Camping - Get it Right" (the Association's "Camping Standards") and apply that knowledge in planning a camp for at least 3 Patrols, from finding the site to the return home.
  5. Make a tent, groundsheet, rucksack or other similar of camp equipment.
  6. Have helped satisfactorily at a permanent camp site for not less than 6 nights, or, where this is not possible, have taken sole charge of a camp for a weekend, such camp to have not less than 8 campers and to be visited by the Examiner.