1. Demonstrate the meaning of time signatures and the ordinary musical signs denoting pitch length in staff notation.
2. Do three of the following:
(a) Play 3 contrasting pieces.
(b) Sing or play a piece of simple music at sight.
(c) Show that you have made a regular contribution to the music of an instrumental group, choir or orchestra over a period of 6 months.
(d) Choose a song with 2 parts and sustain the second part while the Examiner sings the air.
(e) Compose a piece about 16 bars in length.
3. Either:
(a) Sing 2 songs. I of them to be a folk song or traditional song (Suitable for unaccompanied singing at a camp-fire.)
(b) Sing a part (treble or alto) in a part-song or sing a song with a chorus and lead the chorus at a camp-fire.
(a) Play two tunes (1 fast, 1 slow) on a pipe or other instrument.
(b) Whistle or sing a tune with a good chorus OR train and lead a small party of whistlers or singers in a tune at a camp-fire.